Sweater, LOFT
Blouse, Anthropologie
Belt, Sway
Pants, Gap
Shoes, Target |
Hello all my dear blog friends!
Thanksgiving week is upon us :) That's right, in a few shorts days we will all be gathering with friends and family to stuff our faces full of delicious food. Thanksgiving has got to be one of my favorite holidays because of the food and traditions. My favorite: baked yams with TONS of marshmallows, brown sugar and butter...oh....my...word! I cannot wait to enjoy this feast.
A few years ago my dad also started this tradition that I absolutely adore. Everyone, at one point in the night, has to say why they are thankful for another person in the room. You can't say the same person twice so that everyone gets something nice said about them. To kick this off, my dad picked my mom and told the most hilarious story!
You see, my mom is the type of the grocery shopper that always buys certain items whether she needs them or not, because she can never remember if she has them at home...the result? A freezer full of nuts. You read that correctly, nuts.
My dad told everyone this story about my mothers obsession with buying nuts, then proceeded by giving her a nightlife covered in nuts. Of course everyone was confused, but my dad justified his homemade creation by telling everyone he was thankful my mom was always prepared and that she brought "light" to our lives in doing so. Awwww, makes you smile huh?
Do you have any Thanksgiving stories/traditions you would like to share? I would love to hear them :)